Client Reviews

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  • “Jackie is the most amazing person I’ve ever worked with. Her ideas are brilliant. She will get you anywhere you need to go in your business.”


  • “I met Jackie in a business group. I was immediately amazed at the visions she drew up for everyone’s various businesses. I remember that when she shared her ideas, everyone took notes. I have been lucky enough to consult with Jackie on my business and also watch her weave her magic into other women’s businesses. Jackie is smart and insightful. She is a great leader and coach. If you have the opportunity to work with Jackie, grab that opportunity and don’t let go.”


  • Jackie is a great business consultant. I first started working with Jackie my first year in internet marketing. Her expertise and coaching direction gave me the tools I needed to build and launch my first website. She is a top-notch professional that really knows her stuff. I love the way she can assess a situation and provide creative, out-the-box ideas to really move a concept forward. She is an expert internet marketer. If you hire her as a consultant remember this, she expects results and takes no excuses.


  • Jackie has a talent for boiling things down into understandable words and small doable steps. She’s accountability focused and results-driven. At the same time, she has a way of assuring one that they can do the task and she provides the support to do it.


  • So far, my experience has been exhilarating with Jackie…. I have learned a ton of things about this industry and have been truly inspired to action by her energy, passion and enthusiasm. I have had two individual sessions on the phone with her where she was able to get me moving and passed the paralysis I was feeling to take action. She is an awesome coach! The other thing that I really admire about Jackie is her willingness to give ladies a chance and wanting to help them. Her confidence in us is HUGE, not something I personally get every day in my life. Lastly, she has an uncanny ability to understand women and to really help us move past all our stuff – this is a unique focus and not found that often in other classes I’ve taken. Women really do operate differently and she has a practical approach on taking advantage of it plus identifying the problem areas.


  • Jackie is a great motivator! She has been extremely giving of her time and talents to help myself and numerous other women start or grow a six-figure business. Thanks Jackie, I wish you continued success.


  • The very first time I spoke to Jackie about my business strategy, she told me to FOCUS. I was all over the place and stretching myself too thin. She also told me to set an annual income goal and then break that down to a monthly goal which would be easier to manage. THEN she told me to double that goal every quarter. Guess what. Jackie’s advice worked immediately! As soon as I focused on a monthly income goal, I achieved it within 2 weeks. I have also tripled my customer base this year compared to last year. All of this happened from one hour-long conversation with Jackie.


“I am thrilled with our new business development nationally, you have one happy doctor all the way around….” John

“Jackie was very knowledgeable and provided a framework that led to very good results. She took the time to understand your musts and wants before recommending a solution that fits your business.”  Roger

“Jackie is a one-woman powerhouse of information. It’s hard to believe that one person could hold so much information on starting and maintaining a successful enterprise, big or small. She is connected to many resources and has a passion for helping others push to the next level. Jackie is a true Treasure!” – Stephanie

“Jackie is very knowledgeable in all areas related to internet and social media marketing. She has been very helpful with the design and marketing of my website. She listens well and works to go above and beyond on customer service. They have great ideas to really enhance the final product.” Robin

“We appreciate how you watch our marketing budget and help us move toward our practice goal.” – Susan

“Jackie is a top-notch marketing expert. She helps every step of the way thinking of innovative ways to help your business cut through the clutter. I highly recommend Targeted Local.”   Luna

“Jackie developed creative and successful strategies to help brand GSB Care through internet marketing in the areas of website management, social media, blog posting, and other value-added methods. She excels in tapping the creative potential of clients with hands-on training utilizing the latest tools and technology.

“When choosing a marketing expert, customer service must be a key factor. Targeted Local recognizes customer service as a critical factor in marketing success and provides premium customer service.” Jimmy

“Thank you, Jackie! Our practice phone has been ringing so much we had to hire more help.” – Brian

“Jackie took a run down practice that was about to close it’s doors and made it profitable in 2 months in profits of $80,000 in revenue.” – Tom

“It gives me great pleasure to recommend Jackie I have worked with her for over 2 years and her advice has been instrumental in building my brand and ensuring that I am up to speed with the current and ever-changing social media environment. It gives me such comfort having an expert like Jackie to work with, as I know that every decision I make for the business is a smart one given her invaluable insights. Jackie is enthusiastic, punctual, disciplined, hardworking and has the ability to effectively analyze any business model and provide actionable and realistic next steps. She is results driven and understands the competitive edge needed to successfully build a brand.” Esther

“Jackie your 33% growth plan blew me away! I am able to grow my practice revenue now without only thinking of how many new patients I have to bring in every month, but how I can re-market to my existing patients and triple my profits.” – Devin

Focus on Doing what you do best and let us market your business.

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